Vice Mayor Eric Jablin (left) and EMS Division Chief Keith Bryer at groundbreaking on new PBG fire station (Photo By Bill DiPaolo)
About three dozen city officials gathered Thursday night for the groundbreaking for construction of Fire Station No. 2, adjacent to Palm Beach State College.
The new 9,000-square-foot facility will cost $2.5 million. The single-story structure will be built to withstand a Category 5 hurricane.
Completion is scheduled in about eight months.
The current Fire Station 2, built in 1987, is not built to current hurricane standards.
Current Fire Station 2, built in 1987, will be demolished when new station is finished in about eight months (Photo by Bill DiPaolo)
Station No. 2 firefighters responded to 2,322 calls this past year, or 23 percent of the 9,899 calls by the city’s five fire stations. Its service area includes the Gardens Mall, Prosperity Oaks Assisted Living Facility and the Heartland Healthcare Center.
There will be no loss of service for the station during construction, according to city officials.
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