Sunrise city commissioners Tuesday approved plans for an 18,600-square-foot Aldi grocery store at a vacant shopping center on the corner of University Drive and Sunrise Boulevard, where apartments also may be built.

The planned development site is BJ’s Plaza, a strip shopping center in Sunrise that tenants vacated almost 10 years ago.

Coral Gables-based Luxcom is still working on the details for an apartment complex, which would require a rezoning of the BJ’s Plaza property.

Sunrise City Manager Richard Salamon told the Sun-Sentinel that Luxcom has considered building up to 300 apartments on the BJ’s Plaza property.

It would be the second residential redevelopment of a depopulated shopping center in Sunrise. City commissioners last fall approved a plan to build 288 apartments at Pine Plaza, where tenants started to depart after Winn-Dixie closed a supermarket there. [Sun-Sentinel] – Mike Seemuth

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